Education. Embodiment. Evolution.

Are you a Healer, Coach or Wellness Professional - or indeed a person who would like to step into that role - and you’re looking to build additional skills that will bolster your existing ones or get you started on the right foot?

Are you looking for some truly supportive guidance and help on how to build a business out of your skills, without the stress that seems to be involved with other more masculine business training programmes available?

Would you love to be held in a cocoon of healing and support for your own journey, whilst you learn incredible new skills to really make sure you have done your own work, and can hold epic space for your upcoming clients? 

Then you’re in the right place! 

In these strange and ever changing times, The Evolved Energetics™ Academy can give you what you need to create a thriving healing business.

Whether you’re looking to get deeper, faster, more permanent results for your clients, or you’ve always wanted to create a business helping others, you’ll find what you’re looking for with us.

There are many healing and transformational modalities out there today and they are all great in their own way.

Evolved Energetics™ is the one that stands apart due to its ability to create permanent change, gently and without re-traumatisation.

No endless talking about the past without helping you feel better in the process.

No bumping up against the same old blocks time after time.

No spiritual bypassing and brushing the problem under the carpet hoping it will go away with a few affirmations.

The root of Evolved Energetics™  is in EFT and quantum energy work. The combination of both is incredible.

That’s the modality, but what about you?

As a Healer, Coach or someone who helps others with their wellness, you also need to make sure you are as regulated as you can possibly be, so that you don’t bring your stuff unconsciously to the table and let it get in the way of your clients healing.

In The Evolved Energetics Academy, you will use the tools you are learning on yourself, so you learn from a regulated place and clear some of your own residual challenges and trauma. Leaving you a beautifully clear channel for all your clients, able to hold epic space for incredible client transformation. 

So let’s break it down...

You can opt to spend 12 months in the Academy learning these amazing new skills, as well as utilising all the business training AND have access to all the personal development and support available throughout that year. You can also join for life if you prefer so you can take your time with your growth and fit it around your health and your family.  

You will get the opportunity to sit Levels 1, 2 and 3 twice throughout the Academic year, if you need to refresh your skills, or if life happens during the first intake.

You will have access to regular monthly calls including group supervision for all your supervision needs, skills development sessions to help you master your new skills AND cover some of your CPD requirements!

You will also have access to the Training Tapestry™ - my signature curriculum that allows you to cherry pick what you need to help you create a thriving business with your new skills.

Your Academy Membership Includes...

Training in Emotional Freedom Technique to Advanced Level where applicable, as well as my bespoke Evolved Energetics™ protocols, plus all your Supervision and ongoing Skills Development, deep dives, case study support, and more.
Value: £3000

Monthly Life Scripts Calls with our resident Transactional Analysis Therapist, Jill Nicholson, who will show you how to repair not repeat the patterns that have been holding you back from an emotional and psychological standpoint.
Value: £2000

My Business Training Calls to go through everything from who you want to help with your skills, how you’re going to reach them, how to set up your business in the background, systems you can use, how to keep track of your income and even project it so you can always know what’s available or when you need more.
Value: £2000

Guest Experts providing additional training on topics such as - designing and self publishing your own book, journal, worksheets etc in Canva so you can get more visible without being all over social; Heart centred content masterclass to help you design and create content that delivers on your promises in a way that feels aligned How to create a successful YouTube channel How to use Pinterest to drive people to you and your offers Legal Masterclass on the top areas to get in place for your business.
Value: Over £1500

Monthly Money & Wealth Sessions where we pinpoint the root of your money and worthiness blocks so we can recode and rebuild, leaving you feeling 100% deserving of everything you desire and full of courage to go create it.
Value: £2000

Bi-monthly vibrational medicine sound healing sessions with our Faculty member Jacquie Metzger, who is a Master Practitioner and Trainer in Vibrational Healing, to help you shift stagnant energies out of your energy field. Value: £1000

Lifetime access to replays of every live session uploaded into my learning software, for you to consume any time if you can’t make the live session.
*The only exception here is that, in order to obtain accreditation in EFT you must attend all 18 hours of live teaching for that intake. Your programme workbook will help you log and provide evidence of this.
Value: Priceless

Proprietary Programme Workbook to keep you on track and make the certification and accreditation process as easy as possible.
Value: £97

And if tech is your big headache, you will have the option to access my team of experts to have them build you a Work With Me page, lead magnet-funnel-nurture sequence AND sales page. Or maybe you want someone to set you up with a fully researched YouTube channel including hashtags and magnetic preamble? Possibly a Podcast? It’s all there if you want it, and you can pick and mix what you need.
Value: £POA - this is payable on top should you need it.

PLUS all of these incredible bonuses worth over £1500!

  • Access to The Cocoon™ my monthly membership to get you regulated, aligned and moving the needle in your business.
  • Trauma Awareness Masterclass
  • Tons of client scripts you can use for any issue that comes up
  • Practitioner cheat sheet so you always know what you’re doing
  • Client Intake Form & Welcome Pack template
  • Pricing calculator & framework template
  • Ideal Day Visualisation to help you identify your next level identity
  • Access to my Tapping Library with ever expanding set of videos to help you clear away typical blocks
  • Access to my register of highly trained Practitioners for support, help, reciprocal tapping etc
  • Addition to said register once Accredited and exposure to my network of over 12K people who want to work with a Practitioner Spotlight Session live on my socials with me

Total value of the programme - around £14,000

Your investment?

12 months access - £2,222
with a 12 month payment plan at no extra cost.


£3,333 LIFETIME access!
Again, with a 12 month payment plan at no extra cost.
**Longer payment plans available on request

What are the benefits of lifetime membership?

Well, life can get in the way; of our training, our concentration, our availability. With lifetime access to the Academy, we remove that additional layer of stress.

You remain in charge of your certification pathway and the classes you choose to attend from the Training Tapestry ™ - this means you are in control at all times.

So, if you experience a chronic illness or condition, you can take your time with your learning. If you have small children or caring responsibilities, the same applies.

There is nothing worse than trying to forge a new path and life happening at every turn. With lifetime access you can remove that stress and go at your own pace.

Should you join for 12 months and need to extend, the renewal fee will be £1500 per year, so joining for life now will save you £500 for every year you wish to, or need to, renew.

The Evolved Energetics ™ Academy is here to help you grow into the highest version of yourself, in life and in business, so it’s our aim to support you whilst you do that to the best of our abilities.

We sincerely hope you will choose us as your Cocoon of Change™ for this next phase of your life and we can’t wait to see you inside!

To your highest good!

Emma xo

Choose Your Plan - longer payment plans available on request

12 Month Access

  • Pay In Full

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1 Year Access

12 payments of


per month

  • 12 Payments of £186

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Lifetime access

Let Me In!

Lifetime access

12 payments of


per month

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Need a longer payment plan? Click the button

Here's some lovely words from others about my training...

"When I tap with you and the way you have taught us, I feel like I more deeply connect with myself and my own voice. I feel safe and truth fully in my body. The stark contrast between tapping with you and others allows me to even more fully see how important it is to acknowledge the "blocks beneath the blocks" in a way that respects them and invites them in for integration, rather than try to write over them with affirmations and wishful thinking. Your expertise is not just in one set of laws, but many: physics, chemistry, psychology and biology. You know and understand the impact of the laws and share them with us so we can use & apply them. I am so incredibly grateful for you and all of your support "

Beth Gemmell
Scientist, Lawyer, Energy Healer

"Having been on too many training courses to count in the last 29 years, I want to say how exceptional your course is. - training / course feels like the wrong words - it's an immersive experience. I was trying to think what made it so different. Yes, I find it fascinating but I've realised that it was the way you deliver it. It's authentic. You do it from such an incredibly strong foundation, you have a gift for inspiring people - that is rare, especially when your passion comes from such a grounded place - you convey a sense of being at home in yourself. I'm so excited to be on your next journey. You are like the magic Faraway Tree - your roots are so deep and wide... thank you from the heart"

Jane Edwards
Teacher, Mentor, Adventurer

"You are the Queen of many things - both Spriritual & Practical. I love how you go deep into our inner knowing and help us bring it up and out in the "real world" in an easy, practical way. You have the balance and experience of both worlds - as above so below. You are both grounded and expansive. You hold a safe, beautiful space for us to learn, grow and remember how and what we are at our own pace. You set a real life example of what life as a healer / coach is and that we approach business differently, and that's not only okay, but amazing and powerful a we see the world differently. You embody Divine love and compassion. I am grateful the Universe brought you into my life."

Jacquie Metzger
Master Sound/Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher & Mentor

Still have questions?

Book a call by clicking the button below and we can make sure this is right for you.