The Cocoon

Monthly Membership to Help You Find Momentum In Stillness

How does the membership work? 

I'm glad you asked! Read on, friend...

3 Weekly Short Calls

We come together Monday, Wednesday & Friday to tap on any fears about the upcoming week, release to-do worries or imposter syndrome and move through to feeling aligned and empowered

Monthly Energy Circle

Aligned with the month and it's energetic correspondences, we come together to release what isn't serving us and open up to possibility so that we can create the new reality we dream about

Private Community

In between sessions, there is a private community you can lounge around in, ask questions, get support or share your wins. We always encourage celebration and we love to help you feel better!

This is for you if....

You regularly feel overwhelmed, struggle to know what to do, or constantly feel the "push" to achieve more, faster, better....

Building and running a business is no walk in the park. It's full of amazing highs and challenging parts too - and plenty of stressful moments.

Can I get enough clients in? Should I be charging differently? What if I can't make it work? It feels like they're doing better than me.....

The fact is, a stressed mind cannot think straight or make resourceful decisions so you need CALM the brain first!

Energy work calms the brainwaves, regulates the Nervous System & helps you make good decisions..

You can think think straight, focus more easily, get creative and access your intuition where you couldn't before. You feel calm, clear and confident in where you need to go get stuff done!


EFT stems the flow of cortisol and adrenaline our brains release when we feel stressed. Tapping then releases calming hormones to soothe and relax us. Imagine doing this every day!


When we're stressed, we are likely up in Beta brainwaves so we get fast, busy and cycling thoughts. Tapping slows it down so we get into relaxed awareness. We do this twice a week, every week.


When we drop below the noise and calm the nervous system and brain, we can hear our own truth about whatever it is we're doing or where we need to go. I guide you to your truth 8 x a month!

Don't just take my word for it....

 "Having been on too many training courses to count in the last 29 years, I want to say how exceptional your course is - training/course feels like the wrong words - it's an immersive experience...the way you deliver it.. is authentic, you do it from such an incredibly strong foundation, you have a gift for inspiring people."

Jane Edwards
Teacher, Mentor, Trailblazer, Healer
"I feel defrosted.... like I want to stay in this state forever and do everything from here. 
Cocoon Member


"Today, I am less scared of my own success, pushing myself out of my comfort zone and really sitting with the sensations in my body to listen and decide on the best way forward with business decisions!!!!!!
Cocoon Member


"It's really giving me the space to focus on my business and my energy, which I know was getting in the way. Now I feel free."
Cocoon Member


So, how much is a daily feeling of deep calm & focus worth to you?

Grab your 7 Day FREE Trial today!

Just Click on the button below!

Annual Plan

  • Annual plan saving £66!

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Cocoon Monthly Membership


per month

  • 3 short calls per week to regulate energy, 1 monthly deep dive to align with the universal energy & get into alignment

I need this!

If we haven't met yet....

Hi, I'm Emma Starling and I'm so glad you're here. For the last decade I've been helping people raise their levels of happiness, deserving, confidence & income using Emotional Freedom Techniques and other energy methods.

Before EFT, I was living the Corporate Dream and it was sucking my soul dry, one day at a time. The more I dove into my own self development, the more I realised I was capable of something very different.

The day I discovered EFT I knew nothing would ever be the same. After years of struggling with Anxiety, low self esteem and other nasties, I had tried everything to feel better naturally. EFT turned my life around, quickly and easily and I wanted to help others do that too.

The day I first trained in EFT, it was like time stopped.  I felt a rush of immediate relief. I had found the thing I had been looking for, and I was really good at it. I trained as a Teacher in 2017 and in 2021 I became an Accredited Master Trainer.

I've created my business mostly online harnessing the power of group work. I tell you all of this so you know you are in good hands and feel safe with me. I can't wait to meet you!